
Friday, August 3, 2012

Tumblr Love!

My faves for the week :)

Joyfulpantsofbuttlol reblogged these, and I found them on Etsy here and I'm in love!!

Plotweaver reblogged this concept and I love it! 

Theanimalblog reblogged this, it's just beautiful!

Same goes for this from mallorylucille.

I want this bed/lounge so bad, even though it looks like a pizza oven hehehe.

Hope you've had a great week!
It's been a bit lonely around here, but that's another story.

Oh and for a certain special girl, I found these websites - inspiredinsanitytragicbeautiful and tragicbeautifulebay - and thought of you. I may go crazy on them, you might have already known about them though :)

- Morgan


  1. Grr, now I have new hair dye coming in the mail. You're a bad influence :P
    I still love ya, though.

    1. Hehehe, sorry! I can't wait to buy some when I'm not preg preg and can colour my hair! Last time I found Manic Panic online it was gonna cost me $50 :/ I think not!

    2. Far out, I can get manic panic dyes in the city for $25, less online. I'm just rarely in the city anymore. I haven't actually tried manic panic yet, but people rave about it and *bonus* it's vegan. I liked special effects, but found that it washed out pretty quickly and I usually just use fudge 'cause it's cheaper and easier to find locally. I'm hoping that the manic panic amplified holds well. If it does, I may order more colours next time. I've given my hair a break recently from constant colouring, so hopefully it's in good condition for the next batch :)
      Can you guess which colour I picked? I'm not gonna tell you until it's done. :P

    3. I could never find manic panic here, and like you I don't go to the city often at all. I did find fudge locally but it seemed expensive for what you got!
      I'm guessing purple or pink, maybe purple for E? I've never actually coloured my hair with that sort of stuff, I always go dark, but I'd love a streak or 2 of something bright! I can't wait to see your hair, I hate suspense!!!!

  2. I love that bed!! It'd be lovely to cuddle up in there when there was a thunderstorm


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